The biggest thing to realize is that my novels and children’s books reflect the intersection of key drivers in my life: the search for meaning; my thirsting curiosity about a spiritual world that surrounds us, yet remains hidden to 98% of the world’s population; the need for laughter and self-ridicule to lubricate the often painful grinding of the Universe’s gearworks; and an abiding sense that we are here on this planet to help each other. That we each have been given two arms for a reason: one to reach up with for assistance as we make our climb, the second to reach back and help the next in line make their ascent.
As you will see, I’ve carved out a long and varied career putting unforgettable thoughts on paper, images on TV and ideas in the minds of millions. I've done it as a copywriter, creative director, novelist, newspaper columnist, internet blogger and progressive activist. And I’m proud to say I’ve done a damn good job of it! |